岡宮 久規

岡宮 久規 (おかみや ひさのり)
Hisanori Okamiya
- 職名
- 主任研究員
- 専門
- 両生類学・生態学
- 学位
- 博士(理学)
- 出身
- 1991年東京都生まれ
- Okamiya H*, Sugime R, Furusawa C, Inoue Y, and Kishida O. 2021. Paedomorphosis in the Ezo salamander (Hynobius retardatus) rediscovered after almost 90 years. Zoological Letters 7: 14.
- Okamiya H*, Tagami M, Crossland MR, and Kishida O. 2021. Are toxic effects of alien species affected by their prey? Evaluation by bioassay with captive-bred toad embryos and a vulnerable predator. Hydrobiologia 848: 4445–4452.
- Okamiya H*, Hayase N, and Kusano T. 2021. Increasing body size and fecundity in a salamander over the last four decades, possibly due to global warming. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132: 634–642.
- Okamiya H, Sugawara H, Nagano M, and Poyarkov NA*. 2018. An integrative taxonomic analysis reveals a new species of lotic Hynobius salamander from Japan. PeerJ 6: e5084.
- Okamiya H*, and Kusano T. 2018. Lower genetic diversity and hatchability in amphibian populations isolated by urbanization. Population Ecology 60: 347–360.
- Okamiya H*, and Kusano T. 2018. Evaluating movement patterns and microhabitat selection of the Japanese common toad (Bufo japonicus formosus) using fluorescent powder tracking. Zoological Science 35: 153–160.
- 岡宮久規. 2021. トウキョウサンショウウオは大型化している? ? 地球温暖化の影響を長期観測データから探る. Academist Journal.
- 岡宮久規・草野保. 2016. 小型動物の行動追跡手法:蛍光トラッキングの紹介と有効性の検討. 爬虫両棲類学会報 2016:19-28.